The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and check-up to prevent cavities and gum disease. However, some people may need more frequent visits due to higher risk factors such as smoking or diabetes. Talk to our dentist about how often you should be seen for a routine cleaning and check-up.

Many patients choose Invisalign treatment because they don’t want metal braces, and they want to straighten their teeth without feeling self-conscious about their appearance. Others opt for Invisalign because they want to avoid dealing with the hassle of traditional braces—metal wires and brackets can irritate lips and cheeks, and the frequent adjustments needed to get the orthodontic appliance to fit correctly can be uncomfortable.

However, Invisalign is also useful for more complicated cases that may not be appropriate for other orthodontic treatments. If you’ve been told you need extensive orthodontic work like tooth extractions or teeth realignments in addition to straightening your teeth, then Invisalign could be a great option for you! To find out whether Invisalign is right for you, contact our dentist to schedule a consultation appointment.

The beauty of clear aligners is that it doesn’t require you to make any drastic changes to your lifestyle, such as avoiding certain foods or refraining from chewing gum. Some people will find that eating certain sticky foods can shift the aligners out of place, and you will need to remove the aligner before you eat. Before placing your aligners back into your mouth, just make sure to clean your teeth really well. Other than that, this orthodontic treatment is as convenient as it is effective.

If your teeth are discolored, chipped, or misaligned, porcelain veneers may be just what you need! Porcelain veneers can effectively address a number of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Discoloration caused by medications and smoking
  • Chips, cracks, and minor tooth misalignments
  • Teeth gaps and teeth that are too small
  • Teeth that appear abnormally shaped
  • Worn-down teeth from years of neglect

These thin shells are custom-crafted to fit over your teeth and are long-lasting and durable. With proper care, they can last a decade or longer. Patients who receive veneers often report that their new smiles are life-changing—they feel happier and more confident about their appearance!

If you crack, chip, break or severely damage a tooth, a dental crown may be needed to restore it. Also called caps, crowns are hollow restorations that fit over teeth that have been damaged or decayed beyond repair. When crowns are placed on badly damaged teeth, they restore their function and appearance while also strengthening them. Since they are placed over the entire tooth, they can even protect it from further harm.

No, a root canal isn’t needed with a dental bridge. A dental crown can be used to support a dental bridge. The natural teeth on either side of the gap will support the bridge. By placing a crown on each tooth, a bridge can be securely held in place. As long as there are no problems or decay with the underlying teeth, you don’t need a root canal procedure for a dental bridge!

While getting professional-grade whitening treatments from a dentist can get your smile several shades whiter, the results are not permanent. Lifestyle habits like drinking red wine, coffee, soda, and smoking can cause your teeth to become stained again over time. Brushing regularly with whitening toothpaste can help keep your smile bright between touch-ups by the dentist.

Dental procedures such as teeth cleaning and dental bonding can last for a long time with proper care. Brushing and flossing every day and visiting your dentist for routine checkups and professional cleanings are critical to the longevity of your restorations. If well taken care of, cosmetic dental procedures may even last a lifetime! Talk to our dentist about how often you should come in for a checkup and cleaning so you can get the most out of your restorations.

Yes. As long as you practice good oral hygiene habits – such as brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day – your dental implants should last you a lifetime. You should continue to schedule regular dental exams and cleanings every six months to monitor the condition of your implants. If cared for properly, your dental implants can last a lifetime.

Your dental implant should be treated just like a natural tooth. Be sure to brush and floss regularly and visit your dentist twice a year for regular checkups and professional cleanings. You should also eat a healthy diet and avoid tobacco products. It is also important to avoid chewing on ice or other hard foods and substances that can crack or chip the restoration.

The removal of a tooth will require local anesthesia. Local anesthesia will numb the pain around the specific tooth so the patient will not feel any pain during the procedure.

Smokeless tobacco products contain many harmful chemicals that are known to have detrimental effects on the mouth. The chemicals found in cigarettes and chewing tobacco can cause bad breath, discolored teeth, increased tooth decay, gum disease, bone loss in the jaw, and cancer in the mouth. Quitting all tobacco use is the best way to prevent these negative side effects and protect your oral health.

Dental implants are cutting-edge, artificial tooth roots that serve as a solid foundation for replacement teeth. These remarkable devices consist of three essential components: the implant itself, an abutment, and a prosthetic tooth or crown. The implant is typically made from biocompatible titanium, ensuring durability and compatibility with the human body.

Dental implants offer numerous benefits that make them a popular choice for replacing missing teeth. Here are the key advantages associated with dental implants:

Improved Appearance: Dental implants mimic the appearance of natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetic smile. The crown placed on top of the implant is custom-made to match your existing teeth, ensuring a harmonious blend.

Enhanced Functionality: Unlike dentures, dental implants restore full chewing power, allowing you to enjoy all types of foods without restrictions. Implants are securely anchored into the jawbone, offering stability similar to natural teeth and eliminating discomfort or slippage often experienced with removable dentures.

Longevity and Durability: Dental implants have an impressively high success rate and can last for many years when properly cared for. Made from biocompatible materials such as titanium, they integrate with the jawbone over time through osseointegration, creating a strong foundation that mimics natural tooth roots.

Preservation of Bone Health: When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone tissue begins to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation from chewing forces. Dental implants prevent bone loss by stimulating bone growth just like natural tooth roots would while preserving facial structure and preventing premature aging.

Oral Health Benefits: Unlike traditional bridgework, where adjacent healthy teeth need to be ground down for support, dental implants do not negatively impact neighboring teeth. They stand independently without compromising other oral structures and contribute positively to overall oral health by improving accessibility during routine hygiene tasks such as brushing and flossing.

The process of getting dental implants is a multi-step procedure that requires careful planning and precision. It begins with a comprehensive examination by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon to assess the patient's oral health and determine if they are a good candidate for implants.

Once it has been determined that implants are suitable, the next step involves preparing the jawbone for implant placement. This may involve bone grafting or sinus augmentation procedures to ensure there is enough bone density to support the implant. After the jawbone has healed, titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone. These posts act as artificial tooth roots and provide a stable foundation for the replacement teeth. Over time, usually several months, these posts will fuse with the surrounding bone through a process called osseointegration. Once this integration has occurred, abutments are attached to the implant posts. These abutments serve as connectors between the implants and the replacement teeth. Custom-made crowns or bridges are fabricated and attached to the abutments. These prosthetic teeth are designed to match your natural teeth in both appearance and function.

It is important to note that each individual's treatment plan may vary depending on their specific needs and circumstances. Therefore, it is essential to consult with an experienced dental professional who can guide you through every step of this process tailored just for you.

The duration of a dental implant procedure can vary depending on several factors. Generally, the process takes several months to complete, but it is important to note that each patient's case is unique and may require different timelines.

The initial consultation with your dentist will help determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. This involves examining your oral health, taking X-rays or CT scans, and discussing your medical history. Once you're deemed suitable for the procedure, the next step is implant placement. This involves surgically inserting titanium posts into your jawbone as artificial tooth roots. The number of implants needed will depend on how many teeth need replacing. After implant placement, there is a healing period called osseointegration, when the implants fuse with your jawbone. This can take anywhere from three to six months. Following successful osseointegration, an abutment - a connector piece between the implant and replacement tooth - is attached to each implant. Custom-made prosthetic teeth or crowns are created in a dental lab and then securely attached to the abutments.

While this general timeline provides an overview of what to expect during a dental implant procedure, it's essential to consult with your dentist for personalized information about expected timeframes based on your specific circumstances.

Determining who is a good candidate for dental implants requires a careful evaluation by a dentist or oral surgeon. While each individual case is unique, there are some general factors that can help determine if someone is suitable for dental implant treatment.

  • Having good overall oral health is crucial. This includes healthy gums and enough bone in the jaw to support the implant. If there has been significant bone loss due to periodontal disease or other reasons, additional procedures like bone grafting may be necessary before getting implants.
  • Age isn't necessarily a limiting factor when it comes to dental implants. As long as an individual's jaw has finished growing and they are in good health overall, they can be considered for the procedure.
  • Individuals with chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease should consult with their doctor before considering dental implant surgery. These conditions can affect healing and increase the risk of complications.
  • Individuals who smoke may have a higher risk of implant failure due to decreased blood flow and impaired healing ability. Quitting smoking prior to undergoing the procedure can greatly improve outcomes.

Being a good candidate for dental implants involves having good oral health overall, including healthy gums and adequate jawbone density. Age alone doesn't disqualify someone from getting implants, but certain medical conditions need special consideration. Smokers should consider quitting prior to undergoing this procedure for better success rates.

How long do dental implants last? This is a common question that many people have when considering this tooth replacement option. The good news is that dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike other treatments like dentures or bridges, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

  • One of the main reasons why dental implants have such a long lifespan is because they are made from durable materials like titanium. This metal implant fuses with your jawbone, creating a strong foundation for the artificial tooth or teeth that will be attached to it. Because of this integration with the jawbone, dental implants provide stability and function just like natural teeth.
  • Another factor that contributes to the longevity of dental implants is oral hygiene. It's important to maintain good oral health habits such as brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist. By taking care of your gums and remaining natural teeth, you can help ensure the success and durability of your dental implant.

While there are no guarantees about how long an individual implant will last, studies have shown high success rates over extended periods of time. In fact, research has found that after ten years, approximately 95% of dental implant procedures are still successful.

If you're looking for a long-term solution for missing teeth, dental implants offer durability and functionality unmatched by other options. With proper care and maintenance, they have the potential to last a lifetime!

One of the most common concerns people have when considering dental implants is whether or not the procedure will be painful. It's understandable to be apprehensive about any dental procedure, but rest assured that modern advancements in dentistry have made dental implant procedures much more comfortable than they used to be.

During a dental implant procedure, local anesthesia is typically administered to numb the surrounding area. This ensures that you won't feel any pain during the process. In some cases, additional sedation options may also be available for those who experience extreme anxiety or fear.

The actual placement of the implant itself should not cause any discomfort since your mouth will be numbed. However, it's normal to experience some soreness and swelling after the procedure as your body heals and adjusts to the implanted tooth root. Your dentist will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions on how to manage any discomfort and promote healing. They may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribe medication if necessary.

Remember, everyone's pain tolerance is different, so what one person might consider uncomfortable could feel completely manageable for someone else. Openly communicate with your dentist about any concerns or questions you have regarding pain management throughout the process.

While there may be some mild discomfort associated with a dental implant procedure, modern techniques and anesthesia ensure that patients are generally comfortable throughout their treatment journey. Your dentist will work closely with you to minimize any potential discomfort and guide you through each step of the process for a successful outcome.

Invisalign is a versatile treatment that can address a wide range of dental issues. Whether you have crooked teeth, gaps between your teeth, or an overbite or underbite, Invisalign may be able to help. It's designed to gradually shift your teeth into their desired position using a series of clear aligners.

One common misconception is that Invisalign can only correct minor alignment problems. However, it's important to note that Invisalign has been continuously improving and advancing its technology over the years. As a result, it can now effectively treat more complex cases as well.

For instance, if you have overcrowded teeth where there isn't enough space for them all to fit properly, Invisalign can gently guide them into better alignment. Similarly, if you have gaps between your teeth that affect your smile aesthetics or bite functionality, Invisalign aligners can help close those spaces and bring your teeth closer together.

Moreover, misaligned bites such as crossbites and open bites can also be addressed with the use of Invisalign. By correcting these issues early on through proper orthodontic treatment like Invisalign, you may prevent future complications such as jaw pain or difficulty chewing.

The process begins with a consultation with a dentist who specializes in Invisalign treatment. They will assess your dental condition and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this type of treatment. If you are eligible, the next step involves creating a customized treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs. This includes taking digital impressions of your teeth, which are used to create a series of transparent aligners.

These aligners are made from smooth and comfortable material that fits snugly over your teeth. Each set of aligners is designed to gradually shift your teeth into their desired position over time.

Approximately every two weeks, you will switch to the next set of aligners in the series as prescribed by your dentist. This gradual progression ensures that each tooth is moved precisely according to the treatment plan. Throughout the course of treatment, you will have regular check-ups so they can monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments along the way.

Invisalign works by gently applying controlled force on specific areas of your mouth through these custom-made aligners. Over time, this gentle pressure guides teeth into their correct positions, resulting in a beautifully aligned smile!

Here are some tips on the best way to keep your aligners clean and fresh:

  • It's important to remember that you should never use toothpaste or mouthwash to clean your aligners. These products can be too abrasive and may scratch or damage the surface of the aligners. Instead, opt for a gentle cleanser specifically designed for clear aligners or dentures.
  • To clean your aligners, start by rinsing them with lukewarm water to remove any saliva or food particles. Then, soak them in a denture cleaner or specialized cleaning solution for the recommended amount of time. This will help eliminate bacteria and odors from the aligners.
  • After soaking, gently brush the aligners using a soft-bristle toothbrush. Focus on all surfaces, including both sides and around any attachments, if applicable. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after brushing to remove any residue from the cleaning solution.
  • It's also important to clean your teeth before putting your aligners back in. Brushing and flossing regularly will help prevent plaque buildup and ensure that you're starting with a fresh mouth each time you wear your aligners.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your Invisalign aligners looking clear and feeling fresh throughout your treatment journey! 

The average treatment time for Invisalign can vary depending on the individual case. Each person's needs and goals are unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

In general, the duration of an Invisalign treatment can range from several months to a few years. It all comes down to the complexity of the orthodontic issues being addressed. Some people may only need minor adjustments and achieve their desired results in just a few months. Others with more severe misalignment or bite problems might require a longer treatment timeline.

During your initial consultation with the dentist, they will assess your specific situation and give you a better idea of how long your treatment might take. They will consider factors such as the alignment of your teeth, the movement required to achieve proper positioning, and any potential challenges that may arise along the way.

Remember that consistent compliance with wearing your aligners is crucial for optimal results within the estimated timeframe. This means keeping them in for at least 20-22 hours every day unless instructed otherwise by your dentist or orthodontist.

It's important to keep in mind that while everyone desires faster results, prioritizing quality over speed is essential when it comes to achieving lasting improvements in oral health and aesthetics through Invisalign treatments.

Invisalign is a treatment option for both teenagers and adults seeking orthodontic correction. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign offers a more discreet and comfortable solution to straighten teeth.

For teenagers, it's important that their permanent teeth have fully erupted before starting Invisalign treatment. Typically, this occurs between the ages of 12 and 14. However, every individual is different, so it's best to consult with the dentist to determine if your teenager is ready for Invisalign.

Adults of any age can benefit from Invisalign as long as they have healthy gums and teeth. It's never too late to achieve the smile you've always desired! Whether you're in your twenties or fifties, Invisalign can help address common dental issues such as overcrowding, overbite, underbite, crossbite, gaps between teeth, and misalignment. It's worth noting that while age isn't a barrier to undergoing Invisalign treatment, commitment and compliance are crucial factors for successful outcomes.

When it comes to wearing Invisalign clear aligners, one of the most common questions is how long they should be worn each day. The answer may vary depending on your specific case, but generally speaking, you should aim to wear your aligners for about 20-22 hours per day.

Wearing your aligners for this amount of time ensures that they are effective in gradually shifting your teeth into their desired positions. It's important to note that the longer you wear them, the faster and more efficiently your treatment will progress.

There are a few reasons why it's necessary to remove them at certain times. One main reason is so that you can eat comfortably without worrying about damaging or staining your aligners. It's also essential to remove them when drinking anything other than water, as colored or sugary beverages can stain the aligners.

Some patients might find it tempting to take breaks from wearing their aligners during the day, especially if they're feeling a bit uncomfortable initially. However, keep in mind that consistency is key when it comes to achieving optimal results with Invisalign.